How we download and process GA4 transaction data from Partners

This document outlines how we download transaction data from partners' Google Analytics 4 (GA4) accounts. It details the data we access, our scheduling and retrieval processes, and how we use this information for pricing and COS calculations.


Our integration with GA4 is designed to efficiently pull transaction data from partners, ensuring that we have accurate inputs for our pricing algorithms and COS calculations. By using GA4 data alongside our primary tracking tool, GLAMI Pixel, we gain a reliable benchmark for Pixel data, allowing us to maintain more precise targeting than ever before.

Data We Access


  • Date: (date) The specific date of each transaction, enabling chronological analysis.
  • Transaction ID: (transaction_id) A unique identifier for each transaction, essential for tracking and referencing.
  • Session Source Medium: (session_source_medium) Provides insights into the origin of the session, identifying the source and medium (e.g., Google/organic).
  • Session Manual Ad Content: (session_manual_ad_content) Tags associated with the session, indicating manual advertising content that might have influenced the transaction.


  • Transactions: (transactions) The total count of transactions processed, useful for measuring conversion rates and performance.
  • Purchase Revenue: (purchase_revenue) The gross revenue generated from transactions, which is a primary input for our pricing algorithms.
  • Shipping Amount: (shipping_amount) Total shipping costs associated with transactions, impacting profit margins.
  • Tax Amount: (tax_amount) The total tax collected, crucial for financial reporting and compliance.

For more details on the available metrics and dimensions, please refer to the GA4 API Dimensions Documentation and the GA4 API Metrics Documentation.

Data Retrieval Process

Configuration Setup

Partners can connect their GA4 accounts to our system by following the instructions provided in our How to Connect GA4 guide. This setup ensures that we access the most relevant data for our analysis.

Scheduled Downloads

Data is downloaded every morning to ensure that all transactions processed in GA4 are captured. Due to GA4's extended order processing and attribution capabilities, which can take up to 24 hours, we download data for the previous three days (yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the day before that). This approach ensures that we account for any transactions that might appear later due to GA4's processing delays.

Important: GA4 can change the attribution of transactions over time, leading to minor discrepancies. However, we cannot reprocess the data once it is downloaded. Therefore, once an order is downloaded and attributed, further changes in GA4's attribution are not considered. This limitation is critical for partners to understand.

Data Storage and Usage

Validated data is securely stored in our database and is displayed in the partners' dashboard (administration) for transparency and review. We assure partners that the same security level applied to our internal data is used to protect their data. This data is exclusively used for the following purposes:

  • Pricing Algorithms: The downloaded metrics, primarily Purchase Revenue, are used as inputs to refine our pricing strategies.
  • Automatic COS Calculations: Transaction data aids in calculating Cost of Sales, allowing partners to assess profitability effectively.
  • Internal Tracking Comparison: By comparing GA4 data with our internal GLAMI Pixel tracking, we ensure accuracy and consistency across all tracking methods.

Benefits to Partners

  • Consistent Results: By utilizing the same transaction data and attribution methods, you can ensure that the COS calculations, GMV, and financial results in our system align with your own, providing the most precise traffic tailored to your attribution method.

  • Enhanced Accuracy (with GLAMI Pixel as primary): Comparing GA4 data with our GLAMI Pixel tracking helps maintain data integrity and reliability.

  • Data Safety: Partners can rest assured that their data is only used for specified purposes, ensuring privacy and security.


Our process for downloading and processing GA4 transaction data is a critical component of our analytics capabilities. By integrating directly with partners' GA4 accounts, we ensure detailed and up-to-date data to support effective decision-making and strategy development. For any questions or additional information, please contact our support team.