How to connect the new version of Google Analytics - GA4?

Guide to connecting the new version of Google Analytics version GA4 as a data source for GLAMI.

Connecting GA4 in Partner Administration

  1. In your Partner Administration, under the Settings, select the GLAMI Pixel section.

  2. Navigate to the Implementaion section.
  3. Scroll down, to the Alternatives to GLAMI Pixel, and click on the Connect button.

    If you already had an active connection, use the Disconnect button to first deactivate that connection and then connect a new one.

  4. On the Google Login screen, select your account that has access to your GA4 account.

  5. On the next step, Login, grant the GLAMI application access to your GA4 account. Tick all available options.
  6. After loading, you will be able to view individual properties. Choose the specific GA4 account you wish to connect to and then click on the Connect button. This will lead you to the successful connection page.