GLAMI Reviews

The most common reasons why people do not buy fashion online are unknown seller, doubt about fit, and unknown quality. GLAMI Reviews enable customers to share their experience with purchased items, and help others shop with higher confidence.


What will GLAMI Reviews bring you? 

  • Higher shopper confidence
  • Lower returns
  • Better visibility on GLAMI
  • Free-to-use customer satisfaction tool
  • Badges awarded to the e-shops

How does GLAMI Reviews work?

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  1. Get consent
    After an order is made, we ask the user to give us consent to send him an email with the 
  2. Send email
    In the email we ask the customer to fill out a survey about their happiness with the last order.image
  3. Collect feedback
    In the survey we gather feedback on the satisfaction with the products, and with the level of service provided by e-shop.



How to implement GLAMI Reviews?

  •  Be active on GLAMI, have credit charged, and have pixel tracking implemented
  • Implement JS code, that enables you to display the pop-up message, asking for consent to send email with survey
  • Change DNS Server settings to send email in your shop's name

You can find the guide for developers here.

Add GLAMI TOP Badge to your e-shop 

Once you receive enough reviews to earn the TOP E-shop award, you will receive an email with information on how to add the badge to your e-shop. 

If you need any help with adding this badge to your e-shop, reach out to your account manager.