GLAMI PiXel enables us to create personalised product lists for every customer and ensure the best possible conversion rate for your e-shop.
GLAMI PiXel: how does it work?

GLAMI PiXel enables you to reach customers with products, which are relevant to them:
- GLAMI PiXel primarily helps customers to see e-shops they had an interaction with in the past - increasing the probability of finishing the purchase from these e-shops. This algorithm adjusts categories and creates tailored product feeds based on customers' preference and taste.
- Product catalogue is being adjusted for every customer – including favourite shops, brands, price range or style.
GLAMI PiXel benefits
- Increased conversion rate
- Increased number of orders
- Reduced cost of sale (COS)
- Better visibility of your e-shop on GLAMI
- Target customers based on their preferences
- GLAMI will not advertise products having high number of exits, but low conversion rate
- Target new customers, who have similar preferences to those, who already had an interaction with your shop
How to implement GLAMI PiXel
GLAMI PiXel is a code, which needs to be included in every page of your website. Correctly set up GLAMI PiXel will send us information about various business events on your website, based on this data we can display your products more efficiently. We recommend leaving this task to your developer. Visit the link below to find out more:
💡GLAMI PiXel sends data about traffic of your shop and analyses it. In case of low traffic on website: If PiXel records less than 10 clicks, evaluates implementation as incorrect and e-shop is temporarily deactivated. We will notify you once this happens. Once the shop reaches at least 10 events, it will be automatically re-activated. If you are certain, that your shop has more than 10 recorded events per day, please review PiXel implementation using this guide.
How much does it cost?
GLAMI PiXel is completely free of charge. Pricing applied matches CPC pricing used for non-personalised display of products. Main benefit stems from significantly increased conversion rate.
What about collected personal information?
Data collected through GLAMI PiXel is fully anonymous, GLAMI is not collecting any personal data.
Which pages should I implement PiXel to?
For the best possible functionality of GLAMI PiXel, it is necessary to implement the code to every page of your e-shop, including checkout page.
What kind of data is being sent to GLAMI?
Data sent to GLAMI contains only general information about business events happening on your website. Visit from the user, display of specific category or product, item added to cart, completed checkout.
Can I implement GLAMI PiXel using Google Tag Manager?
Yes, it is possible. Please visit our guide: How to implement PiXel using GTM.