What is an XML feed and why is it important

An XML feed is a link that contains a list of your products in a structured form. In order to display your products, we need the URL of the XML. We can say that a well made XML feed is a key factor for good results.

An XML feed is a link that contains a list of your products in a structured form. You will have to provide the URL address from which we will automatically download your products every hour in order to keep your product information up-to-date. After you have uploaded your feed, your products and discounts will be available and visible on GLAMI.

💡 Please have in mind the obligatory elements: 

  • URL
  • SIZE

We accept also an XML feed in a different format than the GLAMI format.

For more details please read the detailed article about the feed and how to create one.

To sum up, we can say that a well made XML feed is a key factor for good results!